Semi Private Eyelash Extension Training

Brandy will mentor and train experienced or inexperienced eyelash technician's. Training is hands on as you can learn more by doing. Brandy has learned all fanning techniques and will help you learn 2-4 techniques so you can leave with not one but many skills to lash. The dates need to be planned in advance as there is limited availability.
I do not believe in training in large groups, with the technique and products that I use I am confident training two students at a time . Trust me when I say semi private training is the best way to approach learning. I train no more than two students at the same time as I want to really focus on helping the student leave feeling successful.
The three day course will teach Classic & Russian Volume technique, decontamination, customer service, safety, tips and tricks. The three days are well spaced out and not rushed so that you may practice your skill and complete assignments. You will be given a generous kit with everything to get you started worth $750.00
I teach a variety of methods in case one does not suit you or your hands. The program covers in depth information about the actual eyelash and growth patterns, sanitation, isolation, fanning techniques, tweezer control, adhesives, eye mapping and business tips and strategy.
The Cost is $2000+ GST - a $750 non refundable deposit s required to hold the training dates. The remaining amount will be due the day before the first class.
A refresher course is 1 day that is $800.00 + GST we can refresh what you are already certified in and wanting to perfect. No certification is given for this, small kit provided. An in class model is required.
The Mega Volume Course is available to experienced volume students. The student must prove they are a strong artist and capable of isolating and fanning before attempting training. This is a one day course. The student will need to practice once they are certified to perfect. A kit is included and several methods may be taught so you can choose which is best for you. Brandy has trained with all of the masters of this technique.
Cost is $1199
A certificate will only be given once the student proves their capable of moving forward. I do not hand out certifications unless you absolutely earn it. You must practice, work hard and put in the effort. Eyesight must be very good as I have experienced students that couldn't move forward as they had trouble seeing properly. I recommend an eye test prior to booking training's.
Students will be required to provide a model or we can use a mannequin head if you can not find a model.
Thank you for your interest! Know that Brandy wants you to succeed and that training with a caring professional is key to success. You may also do hourly mentoring if you are needing just a little extra help.